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时间:2019-10-26 13:57

On 19th October, 2019, Prof. Simon Choi, CEO of THBC, was invited to be a speaker at the Eurasian Forum of Innovation and Digital Economy. This forum attracted over 3000 participants from all over the world and is the biggest event on digital economy in Saint. Petersburg of Russia.


Firstly, Simon met an old friend, Nikolay Shkilev, a top rated ICOBENCH expert and one of the most influential persons in the crypto world. Nikolay has cooperated with Simon many times and is also an advisor on many of Simon’s previous token projects. THBC may consider cooperating with Nikolay in CIS region in the near future.

一开始,蔡教授遇到了老朋友 Nikolay Shkilev,他是一位顶级的ICOBENCH专家,也是加密领域内最有影响力的人之一。Nikolay曾多次与蔡教授合作,同时也是蔡教授之前某些代币项目的顾问。名品链(THBC)在近期考虑与Nikolay在独联体国家地区合作。

Simon is both a mentor and friend to Prashant Surana Jain, CEO of Snapper Tech. Prashant owns the largest crypto media in India, which will be a great platform for THBC to go global and spread the news all over the world.

蔡教授是Snapper Tech CEO Prashant Surana Jain的良师益友,而Prashant拥有印度最大的加密媒体,这将是名品链(THBC)向世界展示自己、走向全球的巨大的平台。

Lennix Lai is also an old friend of Simon. He is the Financial Markets Director of OKEX, the world’s largest Spot and Futures Digital Asset Exchange. It has more than 20 million users from over 100 countries, and a daily trading volume of 1.5 billion USD. OKEX is looking forward to listing THBC on their exchange, which will be hugely beneficial to both parties.

Lennix Lai也是蔡教授的老朋友,他是全球最大的现货和期货数字资产交易所OKEX的金融市场主管。OKEX拥有来自100多个国家的2000多万用户,日交易额达15亿美元。OKEX非常期待名品链(THBC)在他们的交易所挂牌,这将对双方都是获利巨大的 。

After lunch, Simon was invited for a panel discussion. The topic is an Asian view on the cooperation between Russia, the CIS and China in the framework of Belt and Road Initiative. Simon shared his views on why China is succeeding on such an initiative and other countries are unable to copy. China has the comparative advantages of being the second biggest economy in the world and having the core technology and know-how on building railways, gas pipes and infrastructure both domestically and overseas.


After the panel discussion, representatives from ES Group approached Simon. Founded in 1996, ES Group is a Saint Petersburg based real estate developer that has successfully completed over 40 commercial and residential projects. They are keen on digitalizing their physical assets and enabling people from all over the world to buy their properties using THBC as a medium instead of only Russian Rubles.


Next, the founder of IvendPay, Sengey Danilov approached Simon. IvendPay is a company which has cypto vending machines all over Russia. You can buy coffee and tea at this machine with cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The two talked about introducing THBC into one of the their currencies, and expanding this vending machine to other parts of the world, including China.

接下来,IvendPay的创始人Sengey Danilov找到了蔡教授。IvendPay是一家在俄罗斯各地都设有自动售货机的公司。你可以在这台自动售货机上用比特币和以太坊等加密货币购买咖啡和茶。两人谈到将引入THBC作为IvendPay的一种货币,并将这种自动售货机推广到世界其他地方,包括中国。

The Eurasian Forum of Innovation and Digital Economy in St Petersberg and the Blockchain Live Summit in Moscow highlighted the fact that blockchain technology is emerging from the phase of a prototype or primitivity to an implementation stage, ranging from digitalizing the assets promoting liquidity of asset transactions to transforming the life style to fulfill the betterment of man kinds.

在圣彼得堡举办“欧亚创新和数字经济论坛”和在莫斯科举办的“Blockchain Life 2019”论坛都强调了区块链技术实现了技术原始性阶段到落实阶段,经历了从数字化资产阶段到促进资产交易流动性阶段,从而改变人们的生活方式,升华人类的生活品味。

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
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On 19th October, 2019, Prof. Simon Choi, CEO of THBC, was invited to be a speaker at the Eurasian Forum of Innovation and Digital Economy. This forum attracted over 3000 participants from all over the world and is the biggest event on digital economy in Saint. Petersburg of Russia.


Firstly, Simon met an old friend, Nikolay Shkilev, a top rated ICOBENCH expert and one of the most influential persons in the crypto world. Nikolay has cooperated with Simon many times and is also an advisor on many of Simon’s previous token projects. THBC may consider cooperating with Nikolay in CIS region in the near future.

一开始,蔡教授遇到了老朋友 Nikolay Shkilev,他是一位顶级的ICOBENCH专家,也是加密领域内最有影响力的人之一。Nikolay曾多次与蔡教授合作,同时也是蔡教授之前某些代币项目的顾问。名品链(THBC)在近期考虑与Nikolay在独联体国家地区合作。

Simon is both a mentor and friend to Prashant Surana Jain, CEO of Snapper Tech. Prashant owns the largest crypto media in India, which will be a great platform for THBC to go global and spread the news all over the world.

蔡教授是Snapper Tech CEO Prashant Surana Jain的良师益友,而Prashant拥有印度最大的加密媒体,这将是名品链(THBC)向世界展示自己、走向全球的巨大的平台。

Lennix Lai is also an old friend of Simon. He is the Financial Markets Director of OKEX, the world’s largest Spot and Futures Digital Asset Exchange. It has more than 20 million users from over 100 countries, and a daily trading volume of 1.5 billion USD. OKEX is looking forward to listing THBC on their exchange, which will be hugely beneficial to both parties.

Lennix Lai也是蔡教授的老朋友,他是全球最大的现货和期货数字资产交易所OKEX的金融市场主管。OKEX拥有来自100多个国家的2000多万用户,日交易额达15亿美元。OKEX非常期待名品链(THBC)在他们的交易所挂牌,这将对双方都是获利巨大的 。

After lunch, Simon was invited for a panel discussion. The topic is an Asian view on the cooperation between Russia, the CIS and China in the framework of Belt and Road Initiative. Simon shared his views on why China is succeeding on such an initiative and other countries are unable to copy. China has the comparative advantages of being the second biggest economy in the world and having the core technology and know-how on building railways, gas pipes and infrastructure both domestically and overseas.


After the panel discussion, representatives from ES Group approached Simon. Founded in 1996, ES Group is a Saint Petersburg based real estate developer that has successfully completed over 40 commercial and residential projects. They are keen on digitalizing their physical assets and enabling people from all over the world to buy their properties using THBC as a medium instead of only Russian Rubles.


Next, the founder of IvendPay, Sengey Danilov approached Simon. IvendPay is a company which has cypto vending machines all over Russia. You can buy coffee and tea at this machine with cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The two talked about introducing THBC into one of the their currencies, and expanding this vending machine to other parts of the world, including China.

接下来,IvendPay的创始人Sengey Danilov找到了蔡教授。IvendPay是一家在俄罗斯各地都设有自动售货机的公司。你可以在这台自动售货机上用比特币和以太坊等加密货币购买咖啡和茶。两人谈到将引入THBC作为IvendPay的一种货币,并将这种自动售货机推广到世界其他地方,包括中国。

The Eurasian Forum of Innovation and Digital Economy in St Petersberg and the Blockchain Live Summit in Moscow highlighted the fact that blockchain technology is emerging from the phase of a prototype or primitivity to an implementation stage, ranging from digitalizing the assets promoting liquidity of asset transactions to transforming the life style to fulfill the betterment of man kinds.

在圣彼得堡举办“欧亚创新和数字经济论坛”和在莫斯科举办的“Blockchain Life 2019”论坛都强调了区块链技术实现了技术原始性阶段到落实阶段,经历了从数字化资产阶段到促进资产交易流动性阶段,从而改变人们的生活方式,升华人类的生活品味。

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